Review of Oxtail Soup by TAXI

May 8, 2013

Overall Rating (10=best)

Music: 9 of 10
Lyrics: 9 of 10
Marketability: 9 of 10
Arrangement: 9 of 10
Production: 9 of 10
Engineering: 9 of 10

Overall Comments

I really like the feel of this track—it is not overly polished, so the feel and interaction comes over well. It swings where it need to, but also hangs back on the beat at times for contrast, something that doesn’t happen in many modern arrangements which gives this track a good retro jazz feel.

Good solid work by the rhythm section; my only criticism is that I’d like to have heard a little crisper sound from the piano, but the performances are great.

Title: Nice title. I happen to like oxtail soup, so it made me want a taste of the song.

Melody: Good music in verses. Good music in Choruses. Nice tight horns, but not stiff and metronomic; good solo performance from all.

Structure: Well-written structure. Good sectional contrast. The 6 minutes of the song are engaging throughout—it seems shorter.

Lyric: Engaging. Cohesive.